Welcome to the Three Year Fair Crypto Project

Changing the Future of Meme Coins

Join us on a journey to revolutionize meme coins and showcase opportunities for all through fair launches and transparency.

About Three Year Fair Crypto Project

A Vision for Fairness and Innovation

The Three Year Fair Crypto Project is the radical initiative of a visionary team aiming to disrupt the crypto market. Our mission is to demonstrate the potential of meme coins through fair and transparent practices, setting a new standard for inclusivity and value creation. Join us in reshaping the future of crypto currencies.

We have 3 Values - Opportunity, Fairenss and Transparency

We will launch 3 Coins - Diaz, Luna and Rey

You can find more on our values and memes below.


Each meme coin launch is meticulously planned for fairness and equality among all participants, setting a new benchmark for the industry.


We believe in open communication and disclosing team holdings to build trust and accountability with our community.


We are committed to evolving with each year to introduce unique features and value propositions to the crypto market.


Diaz was the much loved pet of a member of the team who lived a long(ish) and happy life in his big tank.

While not the most active of pets, his infrequent bursts of energy swimming to the top of his tank, curiosity in exploring his environment and ability to outstare anything endeared him to all who came into contact with him. We miss him loads.

Diaz will launch on 1 May 2024 and you can find him on Twitter here and his website is here


Rey is a fun, mad and beautiful English Springer Spaniel dog.

She’s been with a team member for years and loves to swim, walk, collect mud in her fur and retrieve balls, sticks and anything you can throw. She’s bright as a button, mad as a frog, an amazing companion and friend to all.

Rey will have a playful launch on 1 May 2025. Follow her on Twitter here and her website is here.


Luna, the playful Ragdoll cat, is owned by one of our team members. She’s a real lady, full of affection and loves nothing better than sunbathing on her back with her limbs stretched out and her belly on show!

She adores being groomed, very clearly lets you know when she wants to be fed and can’t make up her mind if she wants to be in or out!

While Luna may be last, she's definitely the best! Her website is here and you can follow her on Twitter here.

Check out our websites and follow @Diazfairtoken for our first launch on 1 May 2024


3 Fair Launches


Wallets and transactions


30% Airdrops for each launch

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